used to send emitted websocket events data.
used for sending websocket connection status like success, error etc.
Method to create singleton object of the class
reconnectIntervalInMs in millisecond, maxReconnectAttempts in number and ws url
Use to attempt to reconnect to the web socket worker
Method to broadcast websocket data to non-leader tab
This method to perform the different actions on callback response
Method to keep WSS connection alive
This function used to close connection with websocket server
This function used to make connection with websocket server
Method to check the internet connection and handle the ping pong
Use to initializing the web socket worker and will return the method inside the worker
Completed callback method for websocket Subscription
Error callback method for websocket Subscription
Callback method when a message received from websocket server
message from server
Callback method when a connection is ready to send and receive data
Callback method when a ws reconnect attempts in progress
message from server
Callback method when a ws reconnect attempts are completed
Callback method when a ws reconnect attempts are completed
Method to registerDigitalWebSocket
Method to send to websocket worker
message send to websocket
Used to open the webSocket data
Use to terminate the web socket worker
Generated using TypeDoc
digital web socket Class also implements websocket client abstract methods