Create a directory provider.
Used to clear the copilot store data from the index db
Used to clear the digital store data from the index db
Used to clear the directory store data from the index db
Used to filter the data from the address book List on the basis of search text and handle the pagination based on the offset and limit if requested
string value on which search will be performed
list of addressBook
Used to update the team list in index DB as per the new list
new agent list response
teamId on which we need to filter agents
Used to filter out the skill list based on current mediaType
new skill list response
agentState - number
Used to handle the directory data request
requested entity array for directory data
start index for the pagination data, should be greater than 0
end index for the pagination data, should be greater than 0
search string in case for search request, search will happen on fields depending on entity requested. If requested entity is agentList then search will happen based on fields - (firstName, lastName, userName). If requested entity is skillList then search will happen based on field - (skillName). If requested entity is addressBookList then search will happen based on field - (firstName, lastName, mobile, phone, email). If requested entity is teamList then search will happen based on field - (teamName).
flag to get all agent list including logged-in user
Used to retrieve agent list from index DB and filter out favorites
Used to handle the agentList pagination for the search result if the search text is matched and then returns only the data based on offset and limit
search string
array of agentList
flag to get all agent list including logged-in user
Used to handle the skillList pagination for the search result if the search text is matched and then returns only the data based on offset and limit
search string
array of skill
merge, sort and paginate addressBookList data
addressBookList data
Used to handle the pagination based on the offset and limit in case of normal directory request flow without search request
directory response object
Callback method which will passed on to the worker and will be executed after the polling api response then will publish to the subject subscriber with the directory data
agent state api response object
-flag to get all agent list including logged-in user
Use to initializing the util worker and will return the method inside the worker
Used to check if the current request is a new search request or the already searched request
search string
start index for pagination
last index for pagination
entity array
boolean stating if true that means its a new search request
Used to check from the requested entity to find out if any of the entity is still needed to be polled and if so returns that entity
directory entity array
Used to publish the directory response to the subscriber also updating the total record for each entity before publishing
directory response which needs to be published
this boolean flag will help us to identify if the request is for update or not
Published finan output of directory data
Used to initiate the polling for directory data
Polling options
List of entities to be polled
flag to get all agent list including logged-in user
Use to restart worker
Used to get the search result for the directory entities from indexDB. if entities array is passed then the result will be included for those entities if not passed then result will include all the entities
text on the basis of which the search will be performed
array of requested entity options for search
flag to get all agent list including logged-in user
Used to set the directory base instance to access the subject from the base class
list of agent
used to sort data by position of the searchText.
sorted Agent List
Use to sort the index db data for agents, skills and teams in ascending order
Use to terminate the directory worker
Used to terminate the polling of agent state
Used to toggle the favorite marker for agent and store it in Index DB
Used to update the addressBook list for search response matching new Response from the polling update with the existing search response saved in the index db
-new response for the updated addressBook data
Used to update the address list in index DB as per the new list
new address book list response
Used to update the agent list in index DB as per the new list
new agent list response
Used to update the flag based on the entity array passed, this will ensure that the passed entities has been already polled
directory entity array
Used to update the agent list for search response matching new Response from the polling update with the existing search response saved in the index db
saved agent list from the index db
new response for the updated addressBook data
Used to update the skill list for search response matching new Response from the polling update with the existing search response saved in the index db
saved skill list from the index db
new response for the updated skill data
Used to update the skill list in index DB as per the new list
new skill list response
Generated using TypeDoc
Directory Provider Class