API Authentication and Authorization

For information on how CXone authenticates users, see the online help. The help site provides information like setting up SSO, MFA, login authenticators, and so forth. This page explains application authentication.

For instructions on setting up API authentication, see the Getting Started Page.

For your integration to interact with CXone via API, you must set up OAuth2.0 authentication. The authentication process generates an access token. Your integration must include this token in calls to CXone APIs. This verifies that your integration is authorized to work with your CXone system. CXone supports standard OAuth2.0 and OpenID Connect specifications for authentication. Your application type determines which auth flow you must implement.

There are many resources around the internet to help you understand OAuth flows. You may want to review or familiarize yourself with these resources.

  • OAuth: A security standard that gives one application permission to access data in another application. It allows for user authentication to be relegated to another party. For end-users, this means that they can use login credentials from one provider to log into other systems. For example, you can log into sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, or ebay with your Google account. This avoids the necessity for your app to handle user credentials. CXone uses OAuth2.0 authorization.
  • OpenID Connect: A security protocol built on top of OAuth. It's used to access and include details about users in the authentication flow. When setting up this auth, you must specify the scope of an OpenID Connect exchange to be openid.
  • Client& ID Client Secret:These are generated by NICE when you register your app. The ID identifies the client with the authorization server. The secret is a password that only the client and authorization server know. These are paired together and must be included when retrieving an auth token. These are sometimes referred to as app ID and secret.
  • OpenID Connect:The URL that the authorization server redirects the user back to after granting permission.This is sometimes referred to as a callback URL.
  • Access Token:A random string of characters that an authorization server provides an authorized client. This token must be included each time your app makes API calls. This token is returned with OAuth2.0 flows.
  • ID Token:A JWT that contains details about the authenticated user. This is returned with OpenID Connect flows. Many publicly available tools exist to extract information from a JWT, like the jwt.io debugger.
  • Refresh Token: A token returned from the token endpoint. You can pass this to the token endpoint to generate a new access token. This allows users to stay logged in to your app, instead of needing to log in (repeat the OpenID Connect process) every time the access token expires.
  • User Access Key, Access Key ID, Access Key Secret:The Access Key ID and Access Key Secret are credentials generated from a CXone user account. They are sometimes referred to as a user access key. If you're creating a back-end application, you must generate these as part of setting up authentication. You must include these in the request to retrieve an auth token for your back-end app.

Application Categories

Your app’s purpose and the actions it performs determines its type. NICE categorizes applications into two types: back-end apps and user apps. The type of application you build determines the type of authentication flow you must implement.

The following sections explain these two application categories in more detail.

Back-End Applications

A back-end application typically performs actions without direct user involvement. It must interact with CXone APIs in a high-trust environment. This means the app does not expose the client ID and secret. Back-end apps must set up standard OAuth2.0 authentication with a password grant type. This is for server-to-server authentication where no user is present.

Beowulf, a developer at The North, Inc., creates an app that gathers metrics about their call center agent performance. The app pushes the metrics from CXone to a database that The North, Inc. owns. The app does not require any user intervention because it runs on a dedicated server environment. In this case, back-end app authentication methods are suitable.

Even though this app type does not include a present user, the app still interacts with CXone through a CXone user account. For back-end apps to communicate with CXone, you must create a CXone user account. This user account can be considered an API user. An API user should have:

  • A unique role with only the minimum permissions enabled. Best practice is to assign permissions for the actions that the app will perform.
  • No login authenticator assigned.

The way your application communicates with CXone through this API user is with an Access Key ID and Access Key Secret. These two credentials are generated from the user account’s settings in CXone. During the authentication process, your app must provide these credentials to the authentication server. See tasks 3 and 4 on the Getting Started Page for more information.

For a back-end app to authenticate, it must exchange four credentials for an access token:

  • Client Secret
  • Client ID
  • Access key ID
  • Access Key Secret

User Applications

User application involve direct user involvement and require a login flow, like an agent client. An end-user interacts with your application, and the application interacts with CXone on behalf of the end-user. For these apps, the end-users must be authenticated, which you do through an OpenID Connect flow. This flow produces an auth code. Your app must exchange the auth code for an access key and ID token.

The following drop-down defines parameters used in OpenID Connect flows. Some are required for the authentication flow. Others are optional and let you change the behavior of the login.

* indicates a required parameter
scope* openid The only supported value for CXone API authentication.
response_type* code The only supported value for CXone API authentication.
client_id* application specific The value that NICE CXone provided upon approval of your app registration.
redirect_uri* application specific This value changes based on your app. It is the URI that you want to redirect users to after they login with CXone user credentials.
state application specific This value is for the use of the application.
It's passed unmodified to the redirect callback. For example, this might be used to store the URL that the user is directed to after a successful login.
display Either page or popup Determines if the CXone login page opens in a new browser tab or a separate window that pops up.
max_age Integer Indicates how recently the user must have authenticated to continue using the current user session. This is optional for the initial auth flow and not allowed in other cases.
Enter a value in seconds.
When you include this parameter, the returned ID token includes an auth_time claim.
id_token_hint A previously received id_token An existing id_token that you have already received. It identifies the user who must authenticate. This is optional for the initial auth flow and not allowed in other cases.
If the identified user matches the current valid user session, then no user interaction is required. If the identity does not match or if there is no current state available, then a new session is started that is constrained to authenticate the identified user.
This parameter takes priority of login_hint if both are present.
login_hint Username This can be used to bypass the request for a username. The user may be able to change the username even with this parameter specified
code_challenge Random string per PKCE standard A PKCE code challenge, described in section 4.3 of the PKCE standard. This is optional for the initial auth flow and not allowed in other cases.
code_challenge_method S256 A PKCE code challenge method, described in section 4.3 of the PKCE standard.. This is optional for the initial auth flow and not allowed in other cases.
tenantId The assigned tenant identifier This parameter is part of the CXone platform, not the OpenID Connect standard.
The identifier for your CXone tenant that is requesting authentication. This lets you include branding customization to the CXone login page, like a unique banner. This is optional for the initial auth flow and not allowed in other cases.

User applications are separated into two sub-categories: public and confidential. The following sections explain the differences.


This type of app authenticates CXone users without handling their sensitive information. From your app, you direct the user to a CXone login page where they enter their credentials. After doing so, they're redirected back to your app with an auth code. Your app must then exchange the auth code for an access token and ID token. Your app doesn't handle credentials since the user enters credentials on the login page. Upon completion, your app then has an access token that lets it operate on behalf of the user. This whole process is an implementation of the OpenID Connect standard in an unframed browser window.

You can use a PKCE extension as a security mechanism for public applications. In this flow, you use a dynamically generated code verifier to prove the user's identity during the token exchange. Instead of using the client secret, PKCE introduces a code verifier to use during the auth flow. Your app generates a code challenge, which is derived from the code verifier, and sends it in the initial authentication request. When the auth server returns the auth code, your app then sends the code verifier with the code to the token endpoint to get the access token. The code verifier lets the auth server confirm that your app, which initiated the flow, is also the one exchanging the auth code for the token, without requiring a client secret. The PKCE flow uses the client ID and code verifier, instead of the client secret.

Key facts about public app authentication:

  • You are required to use at least one redirect.
  • You are not obligated to define origins or logout URLs on your app registration form.
  • The most common use case of public apps is an agent client.
  • You can obtain the user's profile information from the returned ID token.


These applications are able to securely store and use a client secret. In this auth flow, you send the client ID and secret when making requests to the /token endpoint. The token request must include the client secret, grant type, authorization code, and redirect URI parameters. This returns an access token. Confidential apps are similar to back-end apps, but they also involve a user authentication step with the authorization code flow.

Authentication Tokens

CXone authentication is based primarily on the idea of a bearer token. There are three different tokens returned:

  • Access Token: The token returned by the authorization server. You must include this in an authentication header of calls to CXone APIs.
  • Refresh Token: A token returned from the /token endpoint. You can pass this to the token endpoint to generate a new access token.
  • ID Token: A JWT that contains details about the authenticated user.
Treat these tokens like a password. Do not share any of these tokens.

Opaque Tokens

The access and refresh token are opaque. This means that they should be treated as "black box". Even if the contents are understood, the internals must not be used directly as the contents may change at any time. If your application provides its own functionality based on CXone platform security, then the access token must be understood and any changes incorporated into the application. Except in this case an application shouldn't look at the contents of the access token. ID tokens are not opaque.

ID Tokens

The ID token is a JSON web token (JWT). A JWT is meant to be decoded to understand who has authenticated. Many publicly available tools exist to decode JWTs, like jwt.io.

	"sub": "user:11eb660f-4fdf-02d0-8f28-0242ac110002",
	"icDomain": "nice-incontact.com",
	"iss": "https://cxone.niceincontact.com",
	"given_name": "first",
	"userId": "11eb660f-4fdf-02d0-8f28-0242ac110002",
	"aud": "NICEinContactDEVone13@NICEinContact Inc.",
	"icBUId": 4596676,
	"tenantId": "11eb660f-4c6d-34a0-8733-0242ac110002",
	"name": "name@host.com",
	"family_name": "last",
	"icClusterId": "C31",
	"iat": 1626874686,
	"exp": 1626878286

Most of the fields in the ID token are part of the OIDC specification. CXone does add a few CXone-specific fields like the business unit and server cluster IDs.

Refresh Access Tokens

Access tokens expire after a time-to-live (TTL) duration. This means your apps must generate a new token periodically. The TTL is identified in the token details if you decode the token. This also means you should build in logic to handle 401 - Unauthorized responses from APIs.

The token endpoint returns you an access token, an ID token, and a refresh token. To receive a new access token, you can pass the refresh token to the token endpoint. Since public apps handle user credentials and a login process, you should use the refresh token. This lets the user skip the process of logging in every few minutes when the access token expires. For back-end apps, repeat the same process of generating a new access token.

Application Registration

When Getting Started, you must submit a registration form to NICE. This provides NICE with details about your integration. For example, you’ll specify its purpose, the API groups you plan to use, your authentication type, and so on. After processing your application, NICE responds back with a client secret and client ID. Your app must provide CXone with these credentials during the authentication process.